I have so many curiosities and can’t stop thinking. What should I do?

There are various reasons why people can’t stop overthinking, but curiosity is one of the popular reasons contributing to a restless mind and anxiety. We need to discuss how to have curiosity in a smart way and find a solution for it.


  How do dogs accurately anticipate what time their owners will be home from work each day?, Is sugar truly more addictive than some illegal drugs?” And does Reddit serve as a forum for lively debate on grammar and syntax?”

  Don’t get attepted to finding answers to those questions. Instead, notice how your mental state may have changed after reading those sentences. Curiosity sits along your brain’s reward pathway, and when an opportunity to consume new information presents itself, the neurotransmitter dopamine is released.”

  This is why you love going down a rabbit hole of distractions at the office, even when it might result in time management issues. It’s a slippery slope, and we know we have a tendency to overthink and get caught in a loop. 

  There are various reasons why people can’t stop overthinking, but curiosity is one of the popular reasons contributing to a restless mind and anxiety, especially in the modern world where curiosity is considered to be a trait to foster. We need to discuss how to have curiosity in a smart way and find a solution for it.

Curiosity vs overthinking

  Being curious is a beautiful part of life because it invites learning. Overthinking is different from deep thinking. Overthinking is like asking the same questions and pressuring yourself for an answer; it usually doesn’t feel good. Deep thinking is like a sequential flow of various questions, and it usually feels good. Our power lies in the quality of our questions. (For example, instead of phrasing a question as “Why can’t I do this right?”, reframe it to ask “How can I improve?” or “What resources would help me?”)

Are your questions necessary and asked in the right way?

  There are times when people waste their time asking trivial and unnecessary questions while being unaware that their questions are not important. Asking the right questions can help you find the answers you seek in an efficient and effective way. Below is a checklist to consider when approaching any life situation, problems, or issues:

  • Do I try to ask open-ended questions to understand my intent and purpose, or do I just ask questions with “yes” or “no” answers that can limit my response and clarity?
  • Have I thought about what I want to know? Am I clear about that?
  • Am I already questioning based on assumptions or biased ideas?
  • Is my curiosity or question truly valuable and important for living a better life?”

Understanding the causes of overthinking

  Stress and anxiety maybe two of the most common causes of overthinking. Stress further amplifies the cycle of overthinking, as worrying tends to breed more worrying. Try to recognize when your mind begins to spiral downward and take measures to try and prevent it from taking control of you.

  Perfectionism might be another major factor in overthinking. By attempting to control every detail and outcome, you tend to get caught up in thinking about things that cannot possibly be controlled or are outside of your power. Once you are able to break free from what might seem like an endless cycle, it might help to remind you that striving for perfection may not often be unrealistic and impractical.

  Negative thought patterns may contribute to overthinking as well. If you have experienced trauma in the past or have deeply ingrained negative beliefs, it may take time and effort to break the habit of overthinking. Practicing mindfulness and challenging negative thoughts might help combat these thought patterns.

Dealing With Triggers That May Lead To Overthinking

  To effectively break the cycle of overthinking, it may be helpful to identify common triggers that may lead you to overthink. This may include certain situations, people, or emotions that tend to set off your worrying thoughts. Once you have identified these triggers, we might be able to develop a plan to cope with them. This might involve finding ways to avoid or minimize exposure to the trigger or developing strategies to manage your thoughts and emotions when you encounter the trigger.

  Talking to someone you trust can be helpful. In order to identify the root causes of your overthinking and create coping mechanisms, a therapist or counselor might be able to offer a safe and encouraging environment. They may assist you in recognizing, challenging, and refreshing your perspective about your negative thought patterns.

Meditation can help you find answers for questions in your mind

  Just as computers have artificial intelligence (AI), people need to have the true wisdom of Truth, which is God, in order to live well. Now is the era when people are called to have this true wisdom, which is like AI. Those who possess this wisdom can live well in this era. When you have the mind of God and Truth, you do not experience suffering, burden, or stress. You also do not have any curiosities, unresolved questions, or doubts and can know all the ways of the world. With the mind of Truth within you, you can live well because you have wisdom. When the true world exists within your mind and you are born into that land, you can live well because you possess the true wisdom of Truth, which is God.

(From the book “How to go and live in Heaven, Paraside, and the Land of Bliss while living” by Woo-Myung)

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