How do you meditate if you don’t have time?

People often say they don't have time to meditate. However, is that only meditation that they feel lack of time for? No. It's everything. So you need to meditate to make time.

Our minds many times say we can’t start or continue meditation because we don’t have enough time to meditate, However, we need meditate to create time. let me share this story with you to explain that.

“If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend the first four hours sharpening the ax.” Abraham Lincoln

Let me illustrate with a story that changed the direction of my life…

I was a waiter in Hawaii at one of the top restaurants. I met many movie stars and other famous people there. I was young and only a waiter for a handful of months before I landed this job… needless to say, I was inexperienced.

I remember being so busy, I couldn’t think straight when an older waiter told me to just stop when I get busy. What an idiot, I thought. Why the hell would I just stop?!?

But sure enough, about 15 minutes later I found myself unable to keep up and I looked around at my coworkers who were all just as busy like me but seemed to be calm and collected, and then I decided to try it…

I just stopped. Right there in front of the bar with drink orders in hand, I closed my eyes and let go of everything I was constantly thinking about what I needed to do. I must have stood there for 10 full seconds when my eyes popped open and I had subconsciously reorganized my list to do.

I was able to complete 3 things here, 5 things there, and have a couple of minutes to spare. By stopping for 10 seconds I created an extra 2 minutes because my system was more efficient.

Spend just 15 minutes a day to meditate to realize how much your mind is filled with so many unnecessary thoughts or overthinking. When you discard these thoughts, you can watch how much more you get done and how relaxed you can be doing it.

It is the beauty of meditation that you see the change in your life. Isn’t it amazing? 🙂


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