3 Useful Tips To Meditate Successfully

When folks first begin taking up the practice of meditation, they sometime say "meditation is not for me", "it's hard", or "I tried it but it didn't work." Don't worry. Here are some tips that can help your meditation journey tremendously.

Everyone knows Meditation has its own power to reflect and change the mind and body for the better. You can achieve many great things in life with the help of daily meditation. 

Many people say meditation is not easy to practice. The mind is racing a hundred miles per hour, and it makes people feel that their mind is too busy, and don’t know how to cope with those busy minds.

Everything is tough in the beginning, whenever you start learning something new. For example, trying to learn guitar or trying to do meditation practice. 

Here are some of the tips that experienced meditators have in common which will help your meditation be more successful –

Meditation Tip1-Find the most effective meditation for you1. Find the most effective meditation for you

There are so many kinds of meditation practices in the world; breathing meditation, praying mantras, listening to calm music during meditation, guided meditation, and so on. Which one should I try? It depends on what it is you want to accomplish through meditation. If you want complete freedom and find permanent changes, you must cleanse your false mind and find the truth within. Continuously being seated can cause fatigue in your mind and body if your meditation is not working for you.

meditation tip1-staying consistent

2. Stay consistent and be patient –

The Buddhist monks say, “You have spent countless lifetimes with an untamed mind. Don’t expect to change that habit overnight”. It’s so TRUE! After one time exercising you cannot expect to lose weight. It’s the same for meditation. We have this expectation that we will sit down, close our eyes, and quickly succeed at it. It takes time – at least weeks to months – to develop appreciable skills at meditating. Actually, when you lay down your expectations and just enjoy each time you meditate, you don’t have to wait that long for benefits to start. 

3 tips on how to meditate successfully

3. Meditation is about finding Truth within –

Many people say they meditate to reduce stress or anxiety. These are good reasons to start meditation but, ultimately, meditation needs to be between you and the higher power, whatever that is for you; whether it is God, Buddha, Allah, the universe, nature, or source. That existence is completely selfless. It just gives everything without expecting anything in return. So you need to remember that you are meditating between you and that existence, which you will find within you. If you are meditating for only yourself, the benefit you can gain is very limited.

Hopefully, these tips help you overcome obstacles you might have faced while you tried meditation. Heartland Meditation is here to discuss any questions, so please feel free to reach out to us.


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